Respect is one of the 5 core values of Rugby at Old Ruts. As well as considering respect towards each other when we spectate and play in competitive matches or at festivals, it is also vitally important that we reflect on the way this applies to referees.

We do not have a game without the referee, 36 players take their boots off and don’t play, and ensuring that the referees in the game have an enjoyable experience will encourage more to come forward and for the standards to thus improve.

We all have a responsibility to uphold the Core Values of our great game, and we all know what is acceptable and unacceptable. We have a responsibility as Rugby enthusiasts to challenge poor behaviour when we see or hear it and do something about it. If you observe any of the following unacceptable behaviours when visiting other Clubs please ensure you raise it will your Team Manager or Coach:

  1. Entering the field of play during a game as a coach or spectator.
  2. Verbally questioning a referees decision from the touchline, throughout a game.
  3. Coaching staff and subs patrolling the whole length of the touchline, following play.
  4. Approaching the referee at half time, unless invited to do so.
  5. Telling players to “ignore the referee” from the touchline or openly disrespecting the referee.
  6. Failing to acknowledge the referees participation in the game at the end.
  7. Verbally abusing, swearing and making physical contact with a referee is unacceptable at anytime.