Old Ruts Rugby Club has broadly adopted the code of conduct for schools recommended by the RFU. These codes of conduct exist for Parents & Spectators, Players and Volunteers & Coaches and are based around the 5 core values of Teamwork, Respect, Enjoyment, Discipline & Sportsmanship.

The NSPCC also provide guidance on how parents can help their child to have a positive experience in sport.

Parent & Spectator Code of Conduct


  • Co-operate with your team manager, coach, team mates and opposition
  • Inform the team manager or coach of any injury as soon as possible
  • Support the club in the application of the code of conduct


  • Never punish or make fun of a child’s poor performance or making mistakes
  • Teach my child to treat players, teachers, coaches and officials with respect
  • Watch the game quietly not making any negative comments to players, officials and other spectators
  • Respect all property whilst on a club site
  • Respect everyone including opponent’s and opposition team managers and spectators before, during and after the competition – treat them as you would wish to be treated yourself
  • Not swear or use unsuitable language


  • Remember that doing one’s best and taking part is really important
  • Not shout at players or referees in anger
  • Not use unsuitable language
  • Set a positive example for others, particularly younger competitors and spectators
  • Support my child’s involvement and help them enjoy sport


  • Ensure that my child is dressed properly for the activity and has plenty of water to drink
  • Not coach my child during games and matches
  • Never force my child to take part
  • Ensure that my child arrives for training and matches with appropriate kit for the activity
  • Accept responsibility for my own behaviour during inter-club matches; representing the club in a positive way


  • Be a positive role model for my child and set a good example
  • Encourage play by the written and unwritten rules allowing safe and fair play at all times
  • Encourage my child to be a good sportsperson (win with modesty and lose with dignity) and applaud good play on both sides
  • Only make positive comments from outside the field of play if watching a game as a spectator or a reserve
  • Thank the team manager, coach, officials and supporters after the competition.

Player Code of Conduct


  • Co-operate with my team manager, coach, team mates and opposition
  • Inform the team manager or coach of any injury as soon as possible


  • Always accept and respect the referee’s or umpires decisions
  • Listen to instructions
  • Take care of all property
  • Respect everyone including opponent’s and opposition team managers and spectators before, during and after the competition – treat them as I would wish to be treated
  • Let an adult or adult know if others are not following these rules


  • Play for fun and enjoyment – not just to please my parents and the team manager
  • Not shout at players or referees in anger
  • Not use unsuitable language
  • Set a positive example for others, particularly younger competitors and spectators


  • Arrive for training and matches in good time to prepare thoroughly
  • Arrive for training and matches with appropriate kit for the activity
  • Always warm up and cool down properly
  • Accept responsibility for my behaviour and performance during practice and matches; representing my club in a positive way
  • Not wear any jewellery, unsuitable clothing or footwear during any event


  • Play by the written and unwritten rules allowing safe and fair play at all times
  • Be a good sportsperson (win with modesty and lose with dignity) and applaud good play on both sides
  • Only make positive comments from outside the field of play if watching a game as a spectator or a reserve
  • Thank the team manager, coach, officials and supporters after the competition.

Volunteers & Coaches Code of Conduct


  • Make sure that I have the right paperwork for the event
  • Make sure that I have a first aider and an appropriate first aid kit
  • Support the Club in the application of the codes of conduct


  • Never punish or make fun of a child’s poor performance or making mistakes
  • Teach my players to treat players, teachers, coaches and officials with respect
  • Respect everyone including opponent’s, opposition team managers, officials and spectators before, during and after the competition – treat them as you would wish to be treated yourself
  • Not swear or use unsuitable language
  • Make sure that all arrangements are in place for home matches including meeting and greeting the opposition
  • Never exert undue influence over performers to obtain personal benefit or reward


  • Remember that doing one’s best and taking part is really important
  • Not shout at players or referees in anger
  • Set a positive example for others, particularly younger competitors and spectators
  • Make sure all activities are appropriate to the age, ability and experience of those taking part
  • Ensure that young people’s enjoyment is put first
  • Encourage performers to value their performances not just their results


  • Ensure that the safeguarding of young people is my priority, always considering health, safety and welfare of the player and participants
  • Players are dressed properly for the activity and have plenty of water to drink
  • Never force a player to take part
  • Arrive for training and matches in good time to prepare thoroughly
  • Arrive for training and matches with appropriate kit for the activity
  • Always ensure that players undertake a thorough warm up and cool down properly
  • Accept responsibility for my own behaviour during inter-club matches; representing the Club in a positive way


  • Be a positive role model for my players and set a good example
  • Encourage play by the written and unwritten rules allowing safe and fair play at all times
  • Never condone rule violations, rough play or the use of prohibitive substances
  • Try to ensure that all players show respect at all times and will deal with any transgressions in line with the Club’s policies
  • Encourage my child to be a good sportsperson (win with modesty and lose with dignity) and applaud good play on both sides
  • Thank the opposition team manager, coach, officials and supporters after the competition
  • Praise competitors from both sides.